Sunday, March 29, 2015

brain make us think less

Brain main function is to control our whole body by sending the electric impulse through the nervous system. This is why brain make us think less because we need a fast reaction to our whole body when something happen. For example, when a person throwing rock toward you, will you think about the speed of the stone, direction, angle, and time when the stone will hit you? The answer is no, you will direct dodge the stone without thinking others thing. This is why the brain helping you think less because brain main function is to control our body. We are using our mind to think something through our brain and most of the people is lazy to use their mind to think more and deep.

Brain stop our mind to think creatively because our brain train to think logically once we born. Our brain also limited our mind to think creatively because of the culture and also stereotyping. What logically mean in here is you only believe on what you have hear and learn but ignoring something that you never see or think on it but you never think about what you see and hear is that really the truth? This is why people always blindly believe something because they limited their mind to think creatively and this is why brain make us think less. Culture and stereotyping also stop us to think creatively because culture and stereotyping give us a preconception idea on something. For example, people always resists other people culture because they never think why they have this kind of culture and this is why brain stop us to think creatively.

This is why we have to practice ourselves to think creatively. We have to question ourselves when we thinking something and we also have to think deep and never ignore any possibility because nothing is impossible. 

Sunday, March 22, 2015

Money important than behavior?

Money is not everything, but everything need money. Money is important to human because most of the daily usage needed money. Most of the human spend their whole life to earn money so they can survive in this now a days social. Human rather make themselves frustrated to earn more money even some people use unscrupulous tactics to earn money until they hurt other people.

Human rather hurt other people just for the money. Human in order to reduce their cost on food industry, they mix the chemical material inside the food so the food will taste more tasty and more attractive so more people will buy their product to earn more money. When people eat this product in long-term its will cause health problem to the people. Human rather put down their dignity just for the money. Human in order to survive in a company they can put down their dignity when others try to shame on them even their boss make thing difficult on them or get malice repel by others. Human also use unscrupulous tactics to get benefit for themselves. Human come out with a lot of trick to confuse others so they can get money from the people. They will give a fake promise to their target and make them believe and cheat on their money. Human also take money more important than a human life or health. Some of the people only will help others when they can get benefit from others. Some of the people will do crime to get the money and does not care about others life. They rob, steal, and kill others to benefit themselves.

Money really important than behavior? I believe most of the people will say behavior is more important but in fact people more care for their money than their behavior because money can feed them but behavior can't.

Sunday, March 15, 2015


Education is a form of learning in which the knowledge, skills, values, beliefs and habits of a group of people are transferred from one generation to next. People are getting educate no matter young or old because knowledge is never end and people are learning in their entire life. But today education really benefit and helping people in their development on mind and also knowledge?

Nowadays, most of the people is hate on education and feeling annoy from the education because of their family. Family sending their children to the school with wrong ideal. Some parent will force their children to go to school by threaten and telling them some wrong message. This cause the children weary to get education because the parent keep forcing their children with their own ideal but not the child. For example, parent always compare their children with other children on their exam mark, this cause the children feel that education just a tools for their parent to show off. When their children growth up their parent also force their children to get their ideal subject but not choose by them self. This will cause children feel that the education not for them self but just to make their parent proud with what benefit they get.

The education system also have many problem in now a days because of the government. The examination system cause the student learn to score the exam but not learn for knowledge. Most of the student only memorize and learn the trip for examination but not understand what there are learning. Examination mark also cause the student been separate indirectly by their mark from the society this cause most of the parent always compare their children mark with other but this is wrong because examination is not a tools to decide who is smart or not. Most of the school is more focus on teaching the student knowledge and teach them how to score in exam but this is wrong. Education should focus not only knowledge but also the student attitude and mentality. 

Education is very important to every people and we should never blame when we can get educate because there is peoples are still can't get education because of the resource problem. We should always think how to use the knowledge we learn but not questioning what we can do with what we are learning now. We should take every task or leaning as a challenge because it will help you a lot when you need it.

Saturday, March 7, 2015


The most influence ideology now a days is communism and capitalism.The ideology is use to united and control the people in a form of different society either communism and capitalism. Communism is a socioeconomic system structured upon the common ownership of the mean of production and characterized by the absence of social classes, money, and the state as well as a social, political, and economic ideology and movement that aim to establish this social order. Capitalism is opposition the ideal of communism because capitalism is an economic system in which trade, industries, and the mean of production are largely or entirely privately owned and operated for profit. Most of the communism country is control under one-party system and capitalism is under liberal democracy system. But both of this ideology really united people as a group? The ideology really benefit to the society?

We can see now a days country with communism ideology is already different from what an original communism are. For example, the economic system of china with communism ideology is allow their people to have their private business to increase the growth of China economic. We can see China still hold the communism ideology is only to benefit their party with the one-party system. The leader of China is control the rule of china and the leader is not include under the law because they are the one who make the china law. They control their people in their believe which can make the country benefit and eliminate who against them. This is why China is lack of human right because they kill the peoples who against them. Most of the people in China is life in fear because the power of their leader who totally control the military, economic, and also politic.

The ideology of capitalism also shown a lot of disadvantage for a country. Capitalism cause people separate into few class and unfair distribution of wealth. The ideology cause the economic inequality to the people in a country because the of bourgeoisie monopoly and exploit the working class. This also cause the government work together with the bourgeoisie to get benefit for them and cause corruption in a country. The system for a capitalism to choose a leader is through the liberal democracy system. Democracy system will choose the leader by the people from different party. This system cause the fight between the two party and also the people in the country. The leader choose by the people is also not exactly will be a good leader because different people have different mind on choosing a leader and people is easily get nuisance from what the party ideal for the country. For example, some people is only care about who can give them money, but some of the people wan't the improve of the country system, and some of the people just blindly vote without think. Democracy system also cause the conflict between the people on their own country no matter which party was win and always happen the conflict because the people who choose the different party will feel unsatisfying with the result.

There is no ideology that can really good for the human to stay united and peace because human is greedy. They always think for their benefit than helping other. We can see most of the country use the ideology is just to control the people just for their benefit no matter is communism or capitalism. There will never have a ideology is really united us because it only an "ideal" and never come true because of the human self. We only can imagine for our self a best world to stay and that's why we have Utopia the dream world and it only a "dream".