Saturday, January 24, 2015

Advance of technology is good or bad?

We are now living in information era that we use a lot of information device either a smart phone or computer. This is already become our daily life usage to stay connect to each other either the latest news of world or with your family and friend. But there are some of us are against to the advance technology that we are using in our daily life. Why they are against to the advance technology? Who make them against to the technology? Should we blame to the people who make all this technology for us?


The advance technology have totally change our life either in social or lifestyle. We can see nowadays people prefer using their device to communicate with each other and less communicate in face-to-face. This is not good by using the device to communicate because people will never really know what you are thinking and what you want to express. Human communicate with each other not only by word but also can through their face expression and body language, this make other more understanding what you are thinking.But why people still prefer more to use device to communicate. For my opinion, i think this is because when we communicate with each other face-to-face we need to care about other people feel but when they say something that make you angry but you still will act like not angry to care other people but human face expression is very hard to control because what you feel is always shown through your face expression. That why people prefer to use device to communicate because they will never know you very hate to that guys. We also can see when people having their food at any place, they rather take the food photo than enjoy their meal. This is very bad attitude while having food because you are not respect to the cooker because they want you to enjoy the meal but not enjoy by taking photo. Taking photo is actually a good action as a memories to what you have seen and you want to keep it so you can rewind what you have seen in past. The sad case is people take photo is use to show off to their friend. Nowadays most of the parent will buy or borrow kids a tablet or smartphone for them to play. This action should be avoid because kids is still young to use the device and they don't know the purpose of using this device. Most of the parent give their kids this device is let them play game and some teenager will use it on wrong purpose. Not only the kids will use the devices wrongly but the kids will also lack of outdoor activity because they more prefer to play the devices than playing at outside with other kids. This will cause an unhealthy habit and will cause unhealthy growth to your kids because they lack of exercise and communicate with other.

The advance of technology have given us a lot of advantage but also disadvantage. For my opinion, we should never blame to the device because the device will never teach you to do something wrong. The main cause of all the problem is all from the society, education, and parent problem. Device will never force someone to do something wrong or cause any trouble when we are using it correctly and its give us a lot of help other in getting information or socialize. But humans always force the device to do something wrong and make the people blaming on it, this attitude should be avoid because this is what a human been. Human will always blaming to each other but never really think about what the root of causes.

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