Friday, January 30, 2015

Morality and Law

There is morality that tell the people what we do is good and what we do is bad so we can live in a harmony world. There is Law and rule that prevent us and guide us what is illegal and bad so we can always remind us not doing wrong. This all thing failed to teach or guide the people to not doing something wrong and bad. Why this thing happen?

This is all because of the human greed and the human greed is because of the mentality problem. Human greed is very hard to control and remove from human attitude because human never feel suffice on what they have. Sometime people know something is bad to do but they still do for bad because they feel they are no choice but have to do it, and some people when they doing some bad thing they don't think that their action is wrong, and some of the people do the bad thing on purpose. For example, human emotion is mostly hard to control and sometime it will make you do something wrong because of your emotion, self-center mind also make you do something wrong when you feel somebody is oppose you, fight for money and power is always come from the human greed and cause them to do the wrong thing to fulfill their greed. This is why the morality and law is failed to keep the world in harmony and peace.

For my opinion the main reason of all this thing happen is because of the human mentality that effect by all the greed, emotion, honor, and power. When we born in this world we already influence by all the temptation in the world. We should enhance our mentality so we can control our attitude and mind so we can prevent to do something wrong. But mentality is hard to enhance or develop because they is no book that can teach people how to enhance their mentality because mentality only can be enhance by human cognitive. This is why the war and crime is never end. This is why we should always think before we do or say something.

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