Saturday, February 7, 2015

Advance of technology benefit?

We are all living in a world that surround by the advance technology that made by the human knowledge. We also can saw that now a days without all this technology human can't survive because we too rely on all this technology and the technology also bring many benefit to human. In other ways, do this all advance technology really benefit? Who get all this benefit? This benefit are really needed?

What i see from all of this advance technology only benefit on human self. Human are most greedy creature in this world. Human always think to benefit them self as important thing and other is not. We also can see that most of the technology we use now is all benefit only for the human but not the world. Human greed in knowledge, luxury, self-needed, enjoy, and others. This is why all the technology we made is only benefit to human but is harm to the world,to the natural and also the ecosystem.

At the ancient time, human will record their knowledge and diary on the wall. After human discover the ways of making paper and this make every thing easier to record on paper rather than record it on wall. The advance of using paper to record thing is good but its also bring disadvantage. We can see now a days human misuse and over use the paper. Majority of the paper are made by the tree fibre and because human use a lot of paper that also mean a lot of tree is being cut down. This attitude is causing harm not only the natural but also the ecosystem and finally come back to us human.

Before a few century, human are using animal as a transport and they found out that using animal as a transport is very slow to go for far place. So human think the solution of the transport problem and finally the auto mobile come out. Auto mobile give a lot of benefit to human in transportation but many of them using it incorrectly. For example human buy a lot of car not for transportation but as a adornment. The waste gas that produce by the car is already harmful to the natural but the material to make the car is more harmful to the natural  because of the waste that produce.

The advance of technology also cause the growing of industry and manufacturing. But all of this industry and manufacturing is very cruel and harm not only the natural or ecosystem but also human. All of this already cause the destroy of natural and ecosystem and many species of flora and fauna is already become extinct and the temperature of the earth is keep increasing. The sad case is not about how the earth temperature is increasing but is about the human does not care about it. For example, the temperature of earth is increasing how we human solve the problem? Human come out with the solution by making air conditional and use more air conditional so you won't feel hot but using air conditional is more harm to the earth and this is why our earth temperature is keep rising because human never solve the problem from the root cause but solve the problem only for them self. This show how greedy the human is always put human at the first important creature.

For my opinion i feel before the human start to advance on the technology, human should first learn to advance their mind so we can use all the knowledge on make and use all this advance technology for good.

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