Saturday, February 28, 2015

The Power Of Word

Word is very important for human to communicated, express, and share between each other. There are a lot of different word that created in different country but all of the word share the same characteristic is to connect human together in a society. Word can make people feel happy, sad, angry, joy, and other emotion.

Word is a tools for human to share their knowledge and learning no matter in past, future, or present. Human record their knowledge by writing the word on the book so they can share to others what they has discover, learn, and create. Human also used word to express their emotion and view by create poem, novel, article, song, and others.Word also use by human as a cheer to increases their morale and also happiness. word also use by human as a tools to praise other to increases their relationship. Word also use as a slogan for their ideology so human can united together in a group to help each others. word can be simple also can be deep in the meaning when using it in different ways.

Word also can be very harm when people using it to provoke others people because word will cause people feel angry when it using as a provoke or mean to a people. Word also will cause the fight between human when they use it to slander people. Word also can cause a people become autistic when the word use as a tools to ridicule on others feeling. The people who get ridicule will feel scare to the society and will ignore the society this will effect the growth of their mind when they are still young. Some people with fragile hearth will feel they ignore by the society and cause them to committed suicide. Word also been use by human as a tools to confuse people mind. They persuade people to do something wrong for their benefit. They incite others by telling them the fact information to achieve their purpose. Word also make confuse between different people because different people have different view from a word that use. Sometime the word will make misunderstanding to different people and cause conflict. 

Word can be use for good and also for bad. When we talking or writing something we should always think twice so we wont hurt people or make conflict indirectly with others. We also have to respect and inclusive others with different race because different race have different understanding for a word that use because some word for some people is normal but when use it in different race it may become a bad word for them.

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