Friday, February 13, 2015

Human smartest creature in the earth?

Human have a more complex brain and societies compare to the other creature in the earth. Human says that they are smartest creature in the earth because human enable high level of abstract reasoning, language, problem solving, socialite, and culture.Human use tools to a much higher degree than other animal by creating a numerous of technology and art. Human categories them self as a homo sapiens species that mean man with intelligent. Human really smartest creature in the earth? How human use their intelligent? Human with intelligent really benefit?

Human say they are smartest creature in the earth but the smartest creature is destroying their homeland such as the natural and ecosystem. How human destroy their homeland with their smartest brain? Human overly mining the resource from the earth to build their building, daily usage, and also luxury such as gold and silver. Human hunter other animal for their skin, fur, tooth, and other thing just to make luxury for themselves or as a trophy to show how strong they are. The growing of human in the industrial and manufacturing to increase the human life potential totally cause the destroying to the earth because of all of the harmful material that make by human.

Human say they are smartest creature in the earth but human use their intelligent to control the human from their ideology, political, and also by military. Human came out with ideology so human can follow the ideology to develop their country, but there its different ideology that make by different people and country. The different ideology cause human separate themselves with the ideology "wall" and human fight each other to show their ideology is more better and should be follow by every human.If there is people that don't follow or disagree with the ideology they will use their military power to eliminate who against them. The ideology cause the hate between human and they war between each other and this cause a lot of human die just for the ideology. Political always is an issue in any country. Human always fight for honor and power with each other so they can become the ruler of the country and.There is a lot of political intrigue that cause many human die and also some of them was framed and get jail in their entire life.

Human say they are smartest creature in the earth but human are control by the money system. Money is very important for human in their life to get all of their daily need such as food, cloth, education, medical, and others. Money also cause a lot of human die for it with the cruel truth for nowadays life. Most of the human spend their entire life to get money. Most of the human end their life by suicide when they fail to earn money and get eliminate from the society. Money also cause a lot of human to do crime so they can get more money and this totally cause a lot of sacrifice of human life. Human also control the economic system to control the human so they can get benefit from it.

Human say they are smartest creature in the earth but human are control by their own religion that restrict their mind development. Religion is a guide to human so they won't do something wrong, religion is a soul rely so human forget the pain and suffer of their life. When human become superstition and misuse the religion its become a very strong tools to kill human. Human humiliate and scorn other religion and cause a lot of religion war. When a religion become a tools for human to control human, religion become a tools that control the human mind and restrict their human mind. This cause a lot of aggressive believer of the religion try to eliminate other religion and cause a lot of life scarified. 

Human still the smartest creature in the earth? Human use their intelligent in doing bad thing to benefit themselves and cause destroy of the world structure. The creature with the smartest mind cause all of the damage to the world but other creature are life within the natural and less harm to the natural and world. Should human really think that they are smartest but they are control by all of the thing make by this smartest mind.

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