Tuesday, June 28, 2016


Scamper is a technique that guide people to develop or improve a new idea for a product. Scamper help developers to create something step by step by using all the method from the scamper guide.
The technique is use to questions with the existed product to come out with a new idea or improve them.

The technique of the scamper question as below statement:


what material or resources can we substitute or swap to improve the product?
what other product or process could we use?
What rule could we substitute?
Can we use this product somewhere else, or as a substitute for something else?
What will happen if we change our feelings or attitude toward this product?


What would happen if we combined this product with another, to create something new?
What if we combined purpose or objectives?
What could we combine to maximize the uses of this product?
How could we combine talent and resources to create a new approach to this product?


How could we adapt or readjust this product to serve another purpose or use?
What else is the product like?
Who or what could we emulate to adapt this product into?
What other products or ideas could we use for inspiration?


How could we change the shape, look, or feel of our product?
What could we add to modify this product?
What could we emphasize or highlight to create more value?
What element of this product could we strengthen to create something new?

Put to another use

Can we use this product somewhere else, perhaps in another industry?
Who else could use this product?
How would this product behave differently in another setting?
Could we recycle the waste from this product to make something new?


How could we streamline or simplify this product?
What features, parts, or rules could we eliminate?
What could we understate or tone down?
How could we make it smaller, faster, lighter, or more fun?
What would happen if we took away part of this product? What would we have in its place?


What would happen if we reversed this process or sequenced things differently?
What if we try to do the exact opposite of what we're trying to do now?
What components could we substitute to change the order of the product?
What roles could we reverse or swap?
How could we reorganize this product?

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