Saturday, February 28, 2015

The Power Of Word

Word is very important for human to communicated, express, and share between each other. There are a lot of different word that created in different country but all of the word share the same characteristic is to connect human together in a society. Word can make people feel happy, sad, angry, joy, and other emotion.

Word is a tools for human to share their knowledge and learning no matter in past, future, or present. Human record their knowledge by writing the word on the book so they can share to others what they has discover, learn, and create. Human also used word to express their emotion and view by create poem, novel, article, song, and others.Word also use by human as a cheer to increases their morale and also happiness. word also use by human as a tools to praise other to increases their relationship. Word also use as a slogan for their ideology so human can united together in a group to help each others. word can be simple also can be deep in the meaning when using it in different ways.

Word also can be very harm when people using it to provoke others people because word will cause people feel angry when it using as a provoke or mean to a people. Word also will cause the fight between human when they use it to slander people. Word also can cause a people become autistic when the word use as a tools to ridicule on others feeling. The people who get ridicule will feel scare to the society and will ignore the society this will effect the growth of their mind when they are still young. Some people with fragile hearth will feel they ignore by the society and cause them to committed suicide. Word also been use by human as a tools to confuse people mind. They persuade people to do something wrong for their benefit. They incite others by telling them the fact information to achieve their purpose. Word also make confuse between different people because different people have different view from a word that use. Sometime the word will make misunderstanding to different people and cause conflict. 

Word can be use for good and also for bad. When we talking or writing something we should always think twice so we wont hurt people or make conflict indirectly with others. We also have to respect and inclusive others with different race because different race have different understanding for a word that use because some word for some people is normal but when use it in different race it may become a bad word for them.

Military make us safe?

No matter in what century most of the country will develop for their military either use for defensive or aggressive. The develop on military also mean the war will happen and a lot of innocent people will die on the war because of the greed of their ruler for their own benefit. War make a lot of people loss their home and family and many people dead because of hungry, sickness, helpless. Military bring so much of disadvantage for people but why the military still strongly develop in most of the country in nowadays?

For a country to develop a military is very costly for the weapons, and the maintenance and most of the money use for the military is all from the people. Most of the ruler will tell their people the develop in military is to protect them from other country but the truth is always opposite with what we know. We can see most of the big country use their military as a tools in politic and also diplomatic. The country with stronger military will threat another country just for their own benefit. Military also use as a tools to eliminate the people who against their ideal in some of the country and cause their people fear with the ruler so they can do whatever they like and this is totally against human right. In the past history there is many example about the military take over a country by force and against the human right because they will kill who against them. We can see that the military not really make us safe but most of them cause war and dead. The develop on military is really needed when its causes more dead?

The develop of military also mean more of the weapons will make and more advance for the weapons but the strongest the weapons also mean the cruel the fact when it use to kill human. The weapons that make also will become a tools for the criminal because some of the army secretly sold the weapons to the black market for their own benefit and this cause the advance weapons sold to the people like criminal, mafia and also terrorist. Some of the criminal is cause by the retirement soldier because they have the knowledge to use all the firearm for the criminal and the also train for their strength when they are army. Sometime people will hire mercenary to fight for them and mercenary is only regard for the reward they get and will do anything for the people hire them.

Military bring so much of disadvantage and cause dead but why most of the country still develop for military. The better solution is the united nation should banned all the military and weapons development for all the country to prevent any war or criminal but this will never happen because every country is only focus for their own benefit because they think their benefit is important than the human life.

Friday, February 13, 2015

Human smartest creature in the earth?

Human have a more complex brain and societies compare to the other creature in the earth. Human says that they are smartest creature in the earth because human enable high level of abstract reasoning, language, problem solving, socialite, and culture.Human use tools to a much higher degree than other animal by creating a numerous of technology and art. Human categories them self as a homo sapiens species that mean man with intelligent. Human really smartest creature in the earth? How human use their intelligent? Human with intelligent really benefit?

Human say they are smartest creature in the earth but the smartest creature is destroying their homeland such as the natural and ecosystem. How human destroy their homeland with their smartest brain? Human overly mining the resource from the earth to build their building, daily usage, and also luxury such as gold and silver. Human hunter other animal for their skin, fur, tooth, and other thing just to make luxury for themselves or as a trophy to show how strong they are. The growing of human in the industrial and manufacturing to increase the human life potential totally cause the destroying to the earth because of all of the harmful material that make by human.

Human say they are smartest creature in the earth but human use their intelligent to control the human from their ideology, political, and also by military. Human came out with ideology so human can follow the ideology to develop their country, but there its different ideology that make by different people and country. The different ideology cause human separate themselves with the ideology "wall" and human fight each other to show their ideology is more better and should be follow by every human.If there is people that don't follow or disagree with the ideology they will use their military power to eliminate who against them. The ideology cause the hate between human and they war between each other and this cause a lot of human die just for the ideology. Political always is an issue in any country. Human always fight for honor and power with each other so they can become the ruler of the country and.There is a lot of political intrigue that cause many human die and also some of them was framed and get jail in their entire life.

Human say they are smartest creature in the earth but human are control by the money system. Money is very important for human in their life to get all of their daily need such as food, cloth, education, medical, and others. Money also cause a lot of human die for it with the cruel truth for nowadays life. Most of the human spend their entire life to get money. Most of the human end their life by suicide when they fail to earn money and get eliminate from the society. Money also cause a lot of human to do crime so they can get more money and this totally cause a lot of sacrifice of human life. Human also control the economic system to control the human so they can get benefit from it.

Human say they are smartest creature in the earth but human are control by their own religion that restrict their mind development. Religion is a guide to human so they won't do something wrong, religion is a soul rely so human forget the pain and suffer of their life. When human become superstition and misuse the religion its become a very strong tools to kill human. Human humiliate and scorn other religion and cause a lot of religion war. When a religion become a tools for human to control human, religion become a tools that control the human mind and restrict their human mind. This cause a lot of aggressive believer of the religion try to eliminate other religion and cause a lot of life scarified. 

Human still the smartest creature in the earth? Human use their intelligent in doing bad thing to benefit themselves and cause destroy of the world structure. The creature with the smartest mind cause all of the damage to the world but other creature are life within the natural and less harm to the natural and world. Should human really think that they are smartest but they are control by all of the thing make by this smartest mind.

Saturday, February 7, 2015

Advance of technology benefit?

We are all living in a world that surround by the advance technology that made by the human knowledge. We also can saw that now a days without all this technology human can't survive because we too rely on all this technology and the technology also bring many benefit to human. In other ways, do this all advance technology really benefit? Who get all this benefit? This benefit are really needed?

What i see from all of this advance technology only benefit on human self. Human are most greedy creature in this world. Human always think to benefit them self as important thing and other is not. We also can see that most of the technology we use now is all benefit only for the human but not the world. Human greed in knowledge, luxury, self-needed, enjoy, and others. This is why all the technology we made is only benefit to human but is harm to the world,to the natural and also the ecosystem.

At the ancient time, human will record their knowledge and diary on the wall. After human discover the ways of making paper and this make every thing easier to record on paper rather than record it on wall. The advance of using paper to record thing is good but its also bring disadvantage. We can see now a days human misuse and over use the paper. Majority of the paper are made by the tree fibre and because human use a lot of paper that also mean a lot of tree is being cut down. This attitude is causing harm not only the natural but also the ecosystem and finally come back to us human.

Before a few century, human are using animal as a transport and they found out that using animal as a transport is very slow to go for far place. So human think the solution of the transport problem and finally the auto mobile come out. Auto mobile give a lot of benefit to human in transportation but many of them using it incorrectly. For example human buy a lot of car not for transportation but as a adornment. The waste gas that produce by the car is already harmful to the natural but the material to make the car is more harmful to the natural  because of the waste that produce.

The advance of technology also cause the growing of industry and manufacturing. But all of this industry and manufacturing is very cruel and harm not only the natural or ecosystem but also human. All of this already cause the destroy of natural and ecosystem and many species of flora and fauna is already become extinct and the temperature of the earth is keep increasing. The sad case is not about how the earth temperature is increasing but is about the human does not care about it. For example, the temperature of earth is increasing how we human solve the problem? Human come out with the solution by making air conditional and use more air conditional so you won't feel hot but using air conditional is more harm to the earth and this is why our earth temperature is keep rising because human never solve the problem from the root cause but solve the problem only for them self. This show how greedy the human is always put human at the first important creature.

For my opinion i feel before the human start to advance on the technology, human should first learn to advance their mind so we can use all the knowledge on make and use all this advance technology for good.