Sunday, April 12, 2015

Creative Thinking

What is creative thinking and how to think in creative ways? Creative thinking is something news and specific idea come from our mind. There is no any method that can teach human how to became a creative thinker because a creative thinking is something created randomly and news by human mind. Creative sometime not including with the logically thinking because most our logic thinking is from what we has seen and heard. This is why something logical thinking will limited our creative thinking because we can't accept something news or never exist in our acknowledge and most of the time human will ignore it and take its doesn't exists.

Some of the people will feel something is creatively but some of them not because every human have different mindset and ideal on what is creative and whats not. This is why a work or idea should never been categorize by human which is good or bad because different people have different view from a work or idea and there are no right or wrong on it just could you accept it or not. For example, we can see many fine art done by their creator are not famous in their time but when the time past people start to accepted it as a creative work but some still think its not.

This is why we should always try to not afraid to give an news idea or work with our mind. We should not limited our mind with what we have known or see because nothing is impossible. We should always been open mind when learning or thinking something news. When we found some news idea we should always think deeps to it and never ignore the possibility because nothing is impossible. 

Sunday, April 5, 2015


Polarization is a law of nature that will never change in the universe. Everything with negative there must be positive same as our two different pole north pole and south pole and they will be only two and no natural because natural is the combination of negative and positive in equal. In the ideal of Taoism, the concept of "yin" and "yang" is mention as the natural law of the world and the world is balance by "yin" and "yang" indispensable.

There must be good and bad in this world because different people have different mindset and we cannot change it because this is natural. For example, no matter how strict the law and how many criminal is caught and dead but it won't stop crime to happen in this world because nothing can change a human mind but not everyone in the world will be the criminal. There are also have people helping each other to live together.

There must be win and lose because if there are people winning at the same time also mean others are losing. But losing does't not mean that person will lose every time because there are also a change to be the winner. When you are the winner you should always ask yourself to do better and never arrogant what you have now because you also have a change to lose. When you are losing you should alert yourself why you lose and try to overcome it.

There must be right and wrong and different people will have different view on what is wrong and what is right. This is why the conflict between human are never end because different people have different view on a situation and also the define of right and wrong. For example, maybe something for you is right but others will feel wrong and sometime others will feel and ideal consist of wrong but also right on it.

This is why we should always think deep in something before criticism  on it and we should always believe on our self and never blindly follow other people opinion and accepted it. 

Sunday, March 29, 2015

brain make us think less

Brain main function is to control our whole body by sending the electric impulse through the nervous system. This is why brain make us think less because we need a fast reaction to our whole body when something happen. For example, when a person throwing rock toward you, will you think about the speed of the stone, direction, angle, and time when the stone will hit you? The answer is no, you will direct dodge the stone without thinking others thing. This is why the brain helping you think less because brain main function is to control our body. We are using our mind to think something through our brain and most of the people is lazy to use their mind to think more and deep.

Brain stop our mind to think creatively because our brain train to think logically once we born. Our brain also limited our mind to think creatively because of the culture and also stereotyping. What logically mean in here is you only believe on what you have hear and learn but ignoring something that you never see or think on it but you never think about what you see and hear is that really the truth? This is why people always blindly believe something because they limited their mind to think creatively and this is why brain make us think less. Culture and stereotyping also stop us to think creatively because culture and stereotyping give us a preconception idea on something. For example, people always resists other people culture because they never think why they have this kind of culture and this is why brain stop us to think creatively.

This is why we have to practice ourselves to think creatively. We have to question ourselves when we thinking something and we also have to think deep and never ignore any possibility because nothing is impossible. 

Sunday, March 22, 2015

Money important than behavior?

Money is not everything, but everything need money. Money is important to human because most of the daily usage needed money. Most of the human spend their whole life to earn money so they can survive in this now a days social. Human rather make themselves frustrated to earn more money even some people use unscrupulous tactics to earn money until they hurt other people.

Human rather hurt other people just for the money. Human in order to reduce their cost on food industry, they mix the chemical material inside the food so the food will taste more tasty and more attractive so more people will buy their product to earn more money. When people eat this product in long-term its will cause health problem to the people. Human rather put down their dignity just for the money. Human in order to survive in a company they can put down their dignity when others try to shame on them even their boss make thing difficult on them or get malice repel by others. Human also use unscrupulous tactics to get benefit for themselves. Human come out with a lot of trick to confuse others so they can get money from the people. They will give a fake promise to their target and make them believe and cheat on their money. Human also take money more important than a human life or health. Some of the people only will help others when they can get benefit from others. Some of the people will do crime to get the money and does not care about others life. They rob, steal, and kill others to benefit themselves.

Money really important than behavior? I believe most of the people will say behavior is more important but in fact people more care for their money than their behavior because money can feed them but behavior can't.

Sunday, March 15, 2015


Education is a form of learning in which the knowledge, skills, values, beliefs and habits of a group of people are transferred from one generation to next. People are getting educate no matter young or old because knowledge is never end and people are learning in their entire life. But today education really benefit and helping people in their development on mind and also knowledge?

Nowadays, most of the people is hate on education and feeling annoy from the education because of their family. Family sending their children to the school with wrong ideal. Some parent will force their children to go to school by threaten and telling them some wrong message. This cause the children weary to get education because the parent keep forcing their children with their own ideal but not the child. For example, parent always compare their children with other children on their exam mark, this cause the children feel that education just a tools for their parent to show off. When their children growth up their parent also force their children to get their ideal subject but not choose by them self. This will cause children feel that the education not for them self but just to make their parent proud with what benefit they get.

The education system also have many problem in now a days because of the government. The examination system cause the student learn to score the exam but not learn for knowledge. Most of the student only memorize and learn the trip for examination but not understand what there are learning. Examination mark also cause the student been separate indirectly by their mark from the society this cause most of the parent always compare their children mark with other but this is wrong because examination is not a tools to decide who is smart or not. Most of the school is more focus on teaching the student knowledge and teach them how to score in exam but this is wrong. Education should focus not only knowledge but also the student attitude and mentality. 

Education is very important to every people and we should never blame when we can get educate because there is peoples are still can't get education because of the resource problem. We should always think how to use the knowledge we learn but not questioning what we can do with what we are learning now. We should take every task or leaning as a challenge because it will help you a lot when you need it.

Saturday, March 7, 2015


The most influence ideology now a days is communism and capitalism.The ideology is use to united and control the people in a form of different society either communism and capitalism. Communism is a socioeconomic system structured upon the common ownership of the mean of production and characterized by the absence of social classes, money, and the state as well as a social, political, and economic ideology and movement that aim to establish this social order. Capitalism is opposition the ideal of communism because capitalism is an economic system in which trade, industries, and the mean of production are largely or entirely privately owned and operated for profit. Most of the communism country is control under one-party system and capitalism is under liberal democracy system. But both of this ideology really united people as a group? The ideology really benefit to the society?

We can see now a days country with communism ideology is already different from what an original communism are. For example, the economic system of china with communism ideology is allow their people to have their private business to increase the growth of China economic. We can see China still hold the communism ideology is only to benefit their party with the one-party system. The leader of China is control the rule of china and the leader is not include under the law because they are the one who make the china law. They control their people in their believe which can make the country benefit and eliminate who against them. This is why China is lack of human right because they kill the peoples who against them. Most of the people in China is life in fear because the power of their leader who totally control the military, economic, and also politic.

The ideology of capitalism also shown a lot of disadvantage for a country. Capitalism cause people separate into few class and unfair distribution of wealth. The ideology cause the economic inequality to the people in a country because the of bourgeoisie monopoly and exploit the working class. This also cause the government work together with the bourgeoisie to get benefit for them and cause corruption in a country. The system for a capitalism to choose a leader is through the liberal democracy system. Democracy system will choose the leader by the people from different party. This system cause the fight between the two party and also the people in the country. The leader choose by the people is also not exactly will be a good leader because different people have different mind on choosing a leader and people is easily get nuisance from what the party ideal for the country. For example, some people is only care about who can give them money, but some of the people wan't the improve of the country system, and some of the people just blindly vote without think. Democracy system also cause the conflict between the people on their own country no matter which party was win and always happen the conflict because the people who choose the different party will feel unsatisfying with the result.

There is no ideology that can really good for the human to stay united and peace because human is greedy. They always think for their benefit than helping other. We can see most of the country use the ideology is just to control the people just for their benefit no matter is communism or capitalism. There will never have a ideology is really united us because it only an "ideal" and never come true because of the human self. We only can imagine for our self a best world to stay and that's why we have Utopia the dream world and it only a "dream".

Saturday, February 28, 2015

The Power Of Word

Word is very important for human to communicated, express, and share between each other. There are a lot of different word that created in different country but all of the word share the same characteristic is to connect human together in a society. Word can make people feel happy, sad, angry, joy, and other emotion.

Word is a tools for human to share their knowledge and learning no matter in past, future, or present. Human record their knowledge by writing the word on the book so they can share to others what they has discover, learn, and create. Human also used word to express their emotion and view by create poem, novel, article, song, and others.Word also use by human as a cheer to increases their morale and also happiness. word also use by human as a tools to praise other to increases their relationship. Word also use as a slogan for their ideology so human can united together in a group to help each others. word can be simple also can be deep in the meaning when using it in different ways.

Word also can be very harm when people using it to provoke others people because word will cause people feel angry when it using as a provoke or mean to a people. Word also will cause the fight between human when they use it to slander people. Word also can cause a people become autistic when the word use as a tools to ridicule on others feeling. The people who get ridicule will feel scare to the society and will ignore the society this will effect the growth of their mind when they are still young. Some people with fragile hearth will feel they ignore by the society and cause them to committed suicide. Word also been use by human as a tools to confuse people mind. They persuade people to do something wrong for their benefit. They incite others by telling them the fact information to achieve their purpose. Word also make confuse between different people because different people have different view from a word that use. Sometime the word will make misunderstanding to different people and cause conflict. 

Word can be use for good and also for bad. When we talking or writing something we should always think twice so we wont hurt people or make conflict indirectly with others. We also have to respect and inclusive others with different race because different race have different understanding for a word that use because some word for some people is normal but when use it in different race it may become a bad word for them.

Military make us safe?

No matter in what century most of the country will develop for their military either use for defensive or aggressive. The develop on military also mean the war will happen and a lot of innocent people will die on the war because of the greed of their ruler for their own benefit. War make a lot of people loss their home and family and many people dead because of hungry, sickness, helpless. Military bring so much of disadvantage for people but why the military still strongly develop in most of the country in nowadays?

For a country to develop a military is very costly for the weapons, and the maintenance and most of the money use for the military is all from the people. Most of the ruler will tell their people the develop in military is to protect them from other country but the truth is always opposite with what we know. We can see most of the big country use their military as a tools in politic and also diplomatic. The country with stronger military will threat another country just for their own benefit. Military also use as a tools to eliminate the people who against their ideal in some of the country and cause their people fear with the ruler so they can do whatever they like and this is totally against human right. In the past history there is many example about the military take over a country by force and against the human right because they will kill who against them. We can see that the military not really make us safe but most of them cause war and dead. The develop on military is really needed when its causes more dead?

The develop of military also mean more of the weapons will make and more advance for the weapons but the strongest the weapons also mean the cruel the fact when it use to kill human. The weapons that make also will become a tools for the criminal because some of the army secretly sold the weapons to the black market for their own benefit and this cause the advance weapons sold to the people like criminal, mafia and also terrorist. Some of the criminal is cause by the retirement soldier because they have the knowledge to use all the firearm for the criminal and the also train for their strength when they are army. Sometime people will hire mercenary to fight for them and mercenary is only regard for the reward they get and will do anything for the people hire them.

Military bring so much of disadvantage and cause dead but why most of the country still develop for military. The better solution is the united nation should banned all the military and weapons development for all the country to prevent any war or criminal but this will never happen because every country is only focus for their own benefit because they think their benefit is important than the human life.

Friday, February 13, 2015

Human smartest creature in the earth?

Human have a more complex brain and societies compare to the other creature in the earth. Human says that they are smartest creature in the earth because human enable high level of abstract reasoning, language, problem solving, socialite, and culture.Human use tools to a much higher degree than other animal by creating a numerous of technology and art. Human categories them self as a homo sapiens species that mean man with intelligent. Human really smartest creature in the earth? How human use their intelligent? Human with intelligent really benefit?

Human say they are smartest creature in the earth but the smartest creature is destroying their homeland such as the natural and ecosystem. How human destroy their homeland with their smartest brain? Human overly mining the resource from the earth to build their building, daily usage, and also luxury such as gold and silver. Human hunter other animal for their skin, fur, tooth, and other thing just to make luxury for themselves or as a trophy to show how strong they are. The growing of human in the industrial and manufacturing to increase the human life potential totally cause the destroying to the earth because of all of the harmful material that make by human.

Human say they are smartest creature in the earth but human use their intelligent to control the human from their ideology, political, and also by military. Human came out with ideology so human can follow the ideology to develop their country, but there its different ideology that make by different people and country. The different ideology cause human separate themselves with the ideology "wall" and human fight each other to show their ideology is more better and should be follow by every human.If there is people that don't follow or disagree with the ideology they will use their military power to eliminate who against them. The ideology cause the hate between human and they war between each other and this cause a lot of human die just for the ideology. Political always is an issue in any country. Human always fight for honor and power with each other so they can become the ruler of the country and.There is a lot of political intrigue that cause many human die and also some of them was framed and get jail in their entire life.

Human say they are smartest creature in the earth but human are control by the money system. Money is very important for human in their life to get all of their daily need such as food, cloth, education, medical, and others. Money also cause a lot of human die for it with the cruel truth for nowadays life. Most of the human spend their entire life to get money. Most of the human end their life by suicide when they fail to earn money and get eliminate from the society. Money also cause a lot of human to do crime so they can get more money and this totally cause a lot of sacrifice of human life. Human also control the economic system to control the human so they can get benefit from it.

Human say they are smartest creature in the earth but human are control by their own religion that restrict their mind development. Religion is a guide to human so they won't do something wrong, religion is a soul rely so human forget the pain and suffer of their life. When human become superstition and misuse the religion its become a very strong tools to kill human. Human humiliate and scorn other religion and cause a lot of religion war. When a religion become a tools for human to control human, religion become a tools that control the human mind and restrict their human mind. This cause a lot of aggressive believer of the religion try to eliminate other religion and cause a lot of life scarified. 

Human still the smartest creature in the earth? Human use their intelligent in doing bad thing to benefit themselves and cause destroy of the world structure. The creature with the smartest mind cause all of the damage to the world but other creature are life within the natural and less harm to the natural and world. Should human really think that they are smartest but they are control by all of the thing make by this smartest mind.

Saturday, February 7, 2015

Advance of technology benefit?

We are all living in a world that surround by the advance technology that made by the human knowledge. We also can saw that now a days without all this technology human can't survive because we too rely on all this technology and the technology also bring many benefit to human. In other ways, do this all advance technology really benefit? Who get all this benefit? This benefit are really needed?

What i see from all of this advance technology only benefit on human self. Human are most greedy creature in this world. Human always think to benefit them self as important thing and other is not. We also can see that most of the technology we use now is all benefit only for the human but not the world. Human greed in knowledge, luxury, self-needed, enjoy, and others. This is why all the technology we made is only benefit to human but is harm to the world,to the natural and also the ecosystem.

At the ancient time, human will record their knowledge and diary on the wall. After human discover the ways of making paper and this make every thing easier to record on paper rather than record it on wall. The advance of using paper to record thing is good but its also bring disadvantage. We can see now a days human misuse and over use the paper. Majority of the paper are made by the tree fibre and because human use a lot of paper that also mean a lot of tree is being cut down. This attitude is causing harm not only the natural but also the ecosystem and finally come back to us human.

Before a few century, human are using animal as a transport and they found out that using animal as a transport is very slow to go for far place. So human think the solution of the transport problem and finally the auto mobile come out. Auto mobile give a lot of benefit to human in transportation but many of them using it incorrectly. For example human buy a lot of car not for transportation but as a adornment. The waste gas that produce by the car is already harmful to the natural but the material to make the car is more harmful to the natural  because of the waste that produce.

The advance of technology also cause the growing of industry and manufacturing. But all of this industry and manufacturing is very cruel and harm not only the natural or ecosystem but also human. All of this already cause the destroy of natural and ecosystem and many species of flora and fauna is already become extinct and the temperature of the earth is keep increasing. The sad case is not about how the earth temperature is increasing but is about the human does not care about it. For example, the temperature of earth is increasing how we human solve the problem? Human come out with the solution by making air conditional and use more air conditional so you won't feel hot but using air conditional is more harm to the earth and this is why our earth temperature is keep rising because human never solve the problem from the root cause but solve the problem only for them self. This show how greedy the human is always put human at the first important creature.

For my opinion i feel before the human start to advance on the technology, human should first learn to advance their mind so we can use all the knowledge on make and use all this advance technology for good.

Friday, January 30, 2015

Morality and Law

There is morality that tell the people what we do is good and what we do is bad so we can live in a harmony world. There is Law and rule that prevent us and guide us what is illegal and bad so we can always remind us not doing wrong. This all thing failed to teach or guide the people to not doing something wrong and bad. Why this thing happen?

This is all because of the human greed and the human greed is because of the mentality problem. Human greed is very hard to control and remove from human attitude because human never feel suffice on what they have. Sometime people know something is bad to do but they still do for bad because they feel they are no choice but have to do it, and some people when they doing some bad thing they don't think that their action is wrong, and some of the people do the bad thing on purpose. For example, human emotion is mostly hard to control and sometime it will make you do something wrong because of your emotion, self-center mind also make you do something wrong when you feel somebody is oppose you, fight for money and power is always come from the human greed and cause them to do the wrong thing to fulfill their greed. This is why the morality and law is failed to keep the world in harmony and peace.

For my opinion the main reason of all this thing happen is because of the human mentality that effect by all the greed, emotion, honor, and power. When we born in this world we already influence by all the temptation in the world. We should enhance our mentality so we can control our attitude and mind so we can prevent to do something wrong. But mentality is hard to enhance or develop because they is no book that can teach people how to enhance their mentality because mentality only can be enhance by human cognitive. This is why the war and crime is never end. This is why we should always think before we do or say something.

Saturday, January 24, 2015

Advance of technology is good or bad?

We are now living in information era that we use a lot of information device either a smart phone or computer. This is already become our daily life usage to stay connect to each other either the latest news of world or with your family and friend. But there are some of us are against to the advance technology that we are using in our daily life. Why they are against to the advance technology? Who make them against to the technology? Should we blame to the people who make all this technology for us?


The advance technology have totally change our life either in social or lifestyle. We can see nowadays people prefer using their device to communicate with each other and less communicate in face-to-face. This is not good by using the device to communicate because people will never really know what you are thinking and what you want to express. Human communicate with each other not only by word but also can through their face expression and body language, this make other more understanding what you are thinking.But why people still prefer more to use device to communicate. For my opinion, i think this is because when we communicate with each other face-to-face we need to care about other people feel but when they say something that make you angry but you still will act like not angry to care other people but human face expression is very hard to control because what you feel is always shown through your face expression. That why people prefer to use device to communicate because they will never know you very hate to that guys. We also can see when people having their food at any place, they rather take the food photo than enjoy their meal. This is very bad attitude while having food because you are not respect to the cooker because they want you to enjoy the meal but not enjoy by taking photo. Taking photo is actually a good action as a memories to what you have seen and you want to keep it so you can rewind what you have seen in past. The sad case is people take photo is use to show off to their friend. Nowadays most of the parent will buy or borrow kids a tablet or smartphone for them to play. This action should be avoid because kids is still young to use the device and they don't know the purpose of using this device. Most of the parent give their kids this device is let them play game and some teenager will use it on wrong purpose. Not only the kids will use the devices wrongly but the kids will also lack of outdoor activity because they more prefer to play the devices than playing at outside with other kids. This will cause an unhealthy habit and will cause unhealthy growth to your kids because they lack of exercise and communicate with other.

The advance of technology have given us a lot of advantage but also disadvantage. For my opinion, we should never blame to the device because the device will never teach you to do something wrong. The main cause of all the problem is all from the society, education, and parent problem. Device will never force someone to do something wrong or cause any trouble when we are using it correctly and its give us a lot of help other in getting information or socialize. But humans always force the device to do something wrong and make the people blaming on it, this attitude should be avoid because this is what a human been. Human will always blaming to each other but never really think about what the root of causes.

Friday, January 23, 2015

What 'Game' Mean?

i have play many type of game in my life but never really know the meaning of 'game'. For me, the meaning of game is as simple as is a thing that give us to play and have fun on it. After i done some research on the definition of game for my class work i found that there is different type of definition about the game.

Ludwig Wittgenstein

Ludwig Wittgenstein was probably the first academic philosopher to address the definition of the word game. He define the game have some element such as play, rules, and competition. But he also say that all this definition fail to define what a game are because he also don't know how to define what is game. Why Ludwig Wittgenstein refuse his own definition about the game. Let give an example, a young boy is playing a ball alone by throwing it to the wall and catch it. Some people say that kid is playing a game but from the game there is no any rules and competition on it but people still take it as a game. This is why Ludwig Wittgenstein say he could not define what game mean because there is no fixed answer on it because every people have different view on a word. For example, when people tell you a word 'fire' what have you think in your mind when you heard it. Some people will say a burning torch, some say a house was burning, some say a flame, some people say you get fired by your boss. This show that a word can come with different opinion on it from different people thats why Ludwig Wittgenstein cant define what is game.

Roger Caillois

Roger Caillois is a french sociologist, in his book "Les juex et les hommes" defined a game as an activity that must have the following characteristic such as fun, separate, uncertain, non-productive, governed by rules, and fictitious. What he mean about separate is when a people is focusing while playing a game he will totally forget about the time and place. For example, when i was playing my favorite game i will totally forgot to eat my food and i will play the game from morning until night without feeling hungry. A game is uncertain because you never know what you will get from a game either lose or win. I was disagree with the word non-productive because this is not true. For example, people learn how to work together as a team to win the game such as sport game, and we also can learn some knowledge through the video games such as serious game that give people awareness on aids. 

Jane Mcgonigal

Jane Mcgonigal is an American game designer and author who advocates the use of mobile and digital technology to channel positive attitudes and collaboration in a real world context. She define game when we strip away the genre differences and technological complexities, all games share four defining traits such as goal, rules, a feedback system, and voluntary participants. We can see three of them also state rule in their definition because every game have rule that limited what you can and can't do in the game. A game also have a goal that tell you what you need to do or done in a game. A game without a goal is call as toy said by Chris Crawford. Feedback system is a system that attract the player to play the game. for example, score, achievement, honor, item, trophy, stage process, story and others. When you playing a game, you are voluntary to join it not by force so you have to follow the rule and goal in a game if you don't you can choose not to play the games.

the definition for game have no fixed answer on it because different people have different opinion on it and it does not have wrong or right.

Saturday, January 17, 2015

The way to get start on art

what the purpose we learning for art? for my answer is just simple as i like to draw and i wan't to learn how to draw good art. after i join my first class for foundation in art my lecturer told me the interesting purpose about why we need to learn art. My lecturer told me that the purpose we learn art is for "visualize" something we are thinking in our mind. If we does't not have any basic skill or knowledge about art and we will not able to visualize what our mind thinking and what we wan't to express to people what we are thinking. Either you are using writing or body language you still not able to fully express the image that your mind thinking about, that why we need the skill and knowledge of art to express and visualize the image or object that we wan't to share with other.
The first lesson i learn in the class in what is the basic to start leaning on drawing. The answer my lecture give is we need to start learning by drawing a straight line for until we feel confidence to draw it by free hand without using ruler. The answer giving make me feel disappointed because what we learn is drawing a straight line for our first lesson. But after that i totally change my mind about that after the lecturer tell us the reasons to start learning from drawing a line because everything we learn is always come with the basic and drawing a straight line by free hand is the basic way to start learning for art. Never underestimate what a line can do on art because when we can form an art work by combine a lot of line either the line is straight or curve and the line also can be draw in different angle.For example after we learn to draw the straight line we can start drawing some shape like rectangle, cube, triangle or a polygon. When combine all this shape we can form a volume and than the volume will form an object. This all process one-by-one is how to draw a completed drawing for your art and it was very important for people who started to learn drawing.